Message of the Albanian People to Comrade Stalin on the Occasion of the 71st Anniversary of his Birth

Shoku Enver Translations
3 min readDec 18, 2021
Comrades J.V. Stalin and Enver Hoxha at the Central Stadium, Moscow, July 1947.

Congratulatory message to Comrade Stalin on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of his birth. The Albanian people will remain ever grateful to their liberator and unstinting helper — the Soviet Union — and to its leader, the resolute standard-bearer of peace and liberty of the peoples, the great Stalin.

Dear comrade STALIN,

On the 71st anniversary of your birth, we wish you health and long life Comrade Stalin; the genius successor of Lenin’s immortal work, the great strategist of the victory over fascism, the builder of communism, the flag bearer of peace, our saviour and protector.

Our country has gone through difficult times. We suffered under Turkish rule for five hundred years. For a long time, we were a battleground and an intrigue of imperialism. For several years Zogu’s satrap regime weighed on our backs. The fascist occupation burned and destroyed our villages and cities, massacred thousands of people, and impoverished our country.

But we did not give up our weapons. We fought against the foreigners, against the beys and traitors, against Italian and German fascists, and finally, we won. We won because at the head of the great anti-fascist war were the Soviet peoples, the glorious Soviet Army, and you, Comrade Stalin. You taught us how to fight, you gave us freedom, you taught us how to build a new life, you are helping us unsparingly to get out of poverty and backwardness. With your help, we are building socialism.

We will not forget all this and we promise you that we will stay with you always. We know that our future as a nation and as a state, our life is connected with the Soviet Union, with you, Comrade Stalin.

According to your teachings, we are led by our Party of Labour, with Comrade Enver at the head, and we have honoured all our forefathers in the construction of a new and prosperous life, socialism.

We have been living free for six years and the victories we have achieved with the power in our hands are great. Your word, like yesterday in the war, is a weapon and a flag that leads us to new victories. Your teachings and those of the glorious Bolshevik Party are a source of light for us.

The imperialists and their puppets with the bandit Tito at the head behave like wolves around our borders, wanting to take us back to the past, wanting to tear us apart. They can try in vain. We know how to protect our country from aggressors. We feel strong because we are bound with the Soviet Union, with the great camp of peace, with you, Comrade Stalin.

According to your orders, we, Comrade Stalin, will fight with all our might to maintain peace, to make the grand plans of the imperialists who threaten the world with the outbreak of a new war fail. We are convinced that peace will triumph, while you, Comrade Stalin, defend peace, while hundreds of millions of partisans around the world are fighting for peace.

We, Comrade Stalin, are eternally grateful because we owe our freedom, people’s power, peace and the new life we ​​are building to you, our dear friend, the dearest man in our hearts.

May you live as long as the mountains Comrade Stalin, for the glory of the Soviet peoples, for the good of humanity and our happiness.


Source (translated from): 10 Vjetori i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë, Orbis-Pragë 1951

