On the Death of Ramiz Alia

Shoku Enver Translations
3 min readOct 20, 2021


Ramiz Alia 18/10/1925–07/10/2011

From: enver-hoxha.net

On October 7, 2011, at the age of 86, Ramiz Alia, one of the most prominent leaders of the Party of Labour of Albania and the Albanian state, comrade-in-arms and close associate of Comrade Enver Hoxha, both during the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War, as well as in the era of the construction of socialism.

Ramiz Alia was born on October 18, 1925 in a poor family in Shkodra. He completed his higher studies in 1954. He embraced communist ideas since he was a student at the Tirana Lyceum and took an active part in the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Movement as a member of the Communist Youth Organization of Albania since its establishment. In early 1943 he became a member of the Communist Party of Albania. He was a prominent activist of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War, which is why the Party charged him with important responsibilities in leading the Communist Youth Organization. At the age of 19 he was entrusted with duties with political and military responsibilities in leading the 7th Assault Brigade (1944), in the 2nd Assault Division and as a commissar of the 5th Assault Division (1944), who by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the National Liberation Army of Albania, Comrade Enver Hoxha, fought against fascism in the liberation of Albanian lands in the former Yugoslavia but also in the liberation of Yugoslavia, faithfully complementing the internationalist line of the Communist Party of Albania. At the 1st Congress of the Union of Albanian National Liberation Councils in Helmes (1944) he was elected a member of the Youth Secretariat and later, at the Youth Unification Congress (1949) he was elected the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Albanian Working Youth Union.

After the liberation, Ramiz Alia was charged with hard work, for his skills and qualities as a leading cadre, with high Party, state, and social responsibilities. Member of the Central Committee of the PLA since the 1st Congress (1948), Minister of Education and Culture (1955–1958), candidate of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the PLA in the 1st Congress (1956) and its member and Secretary of the Central Committee of the PLA from the 4th Congress (1961). First Secretary of the Central Committee of the PLA (1985), Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Assembly of the PLA (1982), Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Defense Council, Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Front of Albania (1967), Member of the People’s Assembly since the second legislature (1950).

Ramiz Alia was a prominent political figure, social figure, and statesman. He has always fought and worked with exemplary loyalty and determination for the strengthening of the Party and the people’s power, for the successful construction of socialism, for the education of communists and workers with the Marxist-Leninist ideology, for the development of education and culture, of literature, arts, and science.

Along with Comrade Enver Hoxha, he fought with consistency and an unwavering internationalist spirit for the protection of Marxism-Leninism and the line of the Party of Labour of Albania against Yugoslav, Soviet revisionism of all hues. He conducted the class struggle with high principality.

Ramiz Alia was a determined fighter for the defense of the freedom and independence of the country, for the defense of the victories of the revolution against imperialism and social-imperialism and their servants inside and outside the country. He has defended and implemented with high skill and maturity the revolutionary and peace-loving principled foreign policy of the Party of Labour of Albania and the Albanian state.

