The Communist Party of Albania Strongly Supports the Legal Working Class Protests of the Working Conditions, against the Bourgeois Government of Edi Rama, over the Increase of the Prices of Goods and Fuel
Statement of the Communist Party of Albania, 12 March 2022
There have been 4 days of strong protests that are taking place of workers, employees, students, unemployed, pensioners, etc. in Tirana and other cities of Albania. The cause of these protests is the galloping rise in the price of goods and fuel in a very short time, against the great energy crisis. The aim of the protesters is to reduce the price of foodstuffs and fuel.
The protests are completely fair and legal.
As a result of this very severe energy crisis, the poverty and misery of the people, who can not even provide for their livelihood, has increased and is growing rapidly. The people have gone to the knife of misery.
As a result of the poverty and misery of the people, its dissatisfaction and revolt against the bourgeois “socialist” government of Edi Rama has increased and is increasing every day.
The protesters demand that the bourgeois government of Edi Rama take immediate measures to reduce the prices of foodstuffs and energy.
The bourgeois opposition parties like the neo-fascist bourgeois Democratic Party of Sali Berisha and Lulzim Basha, the bourgeois SMI (Socialist Movement for Integration) of Ilir Meta, etc. are trying to use the popular protests for their interests in power.
The bourgeois socialist government of Prime Minister Edi Rama is using the bourgeois state police against the protests, which has exercised and is exercising severe violence against workers, peasants, students, unemployed, pensioners, etc., and has made and is making mass arrests. This action of the bourgeois state police is a crime against the people.
The ruling bourgeoisie has benefited from this great energy crisis, especially a handful of capitalists and hydrocarbon oligarchs, who have speculated and are speculating at very high abusive prices in this energy crisis, extracting maximum profits. This energy crisis has started several months ago and reached its peak after the Russia-Ukraine war.
Bourgeois Prime Minister Edi Rama blames the energy crisis on the war in Ukraine, ruling out the guilt and responsibility of his anti-popular and corrupt misgovernment as a servant of the ruling bourgeoisie, which has caused and is causing poverty and misery for the people.
The bourgeois government of Edi Rama with its anti-popular policy has greatly increased the poverty and misery of the people. It has consistently advocated the interests of the ruling bourgeoisie, especially a handful of capitalists and oligarchs. The bourgeois prime minister is trying to hide this with some half-measures ostensibly in the interest of the employees and the vulnerable strata of society, namely the ordinary citizens in need. Prime Minister Edi Rama is preaching in his demagogic speeches price reductions, but is emphasizing that taxes for citizens will not be reduced, because allegedly the government will not increase the prices of goods and energy.
He seeks to cast ashes in the eyes of the people. The bourgeois prime minister thinks and believes, like all bourgeois politicians and governments, “that the people are a brainless crowd”, whom they can corrupt and manipulate as they please and when they want. These politicians and bourgeois rulers make very serious mistakes.
It is an undeniable fact that this anti-popular and anti-national policy of the Albanian bourgeois state, for more than 30 years of capitalism, has led to the abandonment of the Homeland for the mouth of 2 million Albanians, approximately half of the Albanian people, especially the Albanian youth. This is the greatest anti-national crime that capitalism has caused to the Albanian people, throughout its millennial history.
Marxist-Leninist science teaches us and the history of capitalism has shown and shows us that the rise in commodity prices under capitalism is an inevitable objective law, which leads to the increase of poverty and misery of the people.
Marxist-Leninist science teaches us that the poverty and misery of the working class and the working masses is a consequence of the oppression of their capitalist exploitation by the ruling bourgeoisie is an objective law of capitalism.
Marxist-Leninist science teaches us that the poverty and misery of the working class and the working masses will disappear only when the old system of capitalist oppression and exploitation is overthrown by the proletarian revolution, and the new socialist and communist system is won.
The Communist Party of Albania strongly supports the popular protests against the increase in the price of goods.
The Communist Party of Albania strongly condemns the violence of the bourgeois police against the protesters.
The Communist Party of Albania condemns the anti-popular policies of the bourgeois government of Edi Rama.
The Communist Party of Albania calls on communists, workers, peasants, students, the unemployed, pensioners, etc. to protest against the rise in commodity prices until their goals are achieved.
The Communist Party of Albania calls on the working class and working masses, students, etc. to fight systematically and decisively against the oppression and capitalist exploitation.